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Here at Mercy Primary we believe that all children can succeed at Numeracy. All staff are trained in teaching the Maths Mastery approach. This is an extensive and worldwide programme dedicated to the development of children’s maths skills.
The Underpinning Principles of Maths Mastery.
- Mathematics teaching for mastery assumes everyone can learn and enjoy mathematics.
- Mathematical learning behaviours are developed such that pupils focus and engage fully as learners who reason and seek to make connections.
- Teachers continually develop their specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics, working collaboratively to refine and improve their teaching.
- Curriculum design ensures a coherent and detailed sequence of essential content to support sustained progression over time.
How our Lessons are designed.
- Lesson design links to prior learning to ensure all can access the new learning and identifies carefully sequenced steps in progression to build secure understanding.
- Examples, representations and models are carefully selected to expose the structure of mathematical concepts and emphasise connections, enabling pupils to develop a deep knowledge of mathematics.
- Procedural fluency and conceptual understanding are developed in tandem because each supports the development of the other.
- It is recognised that practice is a vital part of learning, but the practice must be designed to both reinforce pupils’ procedural fluency and develop their conceptual understanding.
Numeracy at Mercy

Useful Links.
Mercy Primary School, 612 Crumlin Road Belfast County Antrim BT14 7GL | Telephone: 028 9039 1670