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Parental Partnership
Our Parent Programme
At Mercy Primary School we recognise that parental support and involvement is crucial to the well-being of children and we believe that active communication and partnership with parents play a significant part in ensuring children reach their full potential. We have strong, established home-school links and parents are kept up to date on their child’s progress with an annual parent interview, an open door policy and an end of year report. Parents are also welcome to attend many events throughout the year including, the Christmas fair, class assemblies and parent activities.
We have a parent officer who arranges many parental activities such as cooking with your child, iPad training, planting bulbs with your child and ‘Bring your parent’ to school day. We have a PTA and active parent partnership. Parent volunteers are always a great help at school.
- Art and craft
- parent and child activities
- Halloween disco
- Christmas fair
- Museum visits
- parent child picnic
- cookery classes
- fitness class
- bring your parent to school day
Bring your Parent to school Day
School Uniform Details
Uniform Details
Royal blue shirt
Royal blue jumper
School tie
Νavy skirt/pinafore
Black shoes
Black plimsolls
Optional blue gingham summer dress
Νavy PE shorts/tracksuit bottoms
White PE collared T-Shirt
Trainers for outdoors
Parent & Child activities

Friends of Mercy 100 Club!

Our Friends of Mercy PTA have been really busy this first term organising our 100 club! At £10 per month, the draw is really good value. We have 5 prizes ranging from £250, down to £50. Each month the school will raise £500 for school play equiptment!
Thank you!
Parent Support

Parent Volunteers

Mercy Primary School, 612 Crumlin Road Belfast County Antrim BT14 7GL | Telephone: 028 9039 1670