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Mercy Primary School, Belfast

Primary 1 visit to Streamvale Farm๐Ÿท๐Ÿ”๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿšœ

16th Jun 2024

On Friday 14th June, the Primary 1 classes visited Streamvale Farm as part of their ‘Let’s Get Growing’ theme in World Around Us.
The wonderful staff showed us around the different animal pens, where we fed the chickens, pigs, rabbits, sheep and even the farm horses.

We then got to meet and pet one of the farm’s puppies, chicks & rabbits. It was so much fun!
Abbie then brought us to meet ‘Buttercup’ and taught us all about how they milk the cows and where it takes place. The children then each had a go milking Buttercup - great work!
We ended the day with a tractor ride to see the deer, had our lunch and then a play in the park.

What a fantastic day!