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Mercy Primary School, Belfast
Primary 1 Applications FRIDAY 12TH JAN-FRIDAY 24TH JAN [EA Applications Portal]
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Maths Week Ireland In Primary 1

19th Oct 2023
This week we took part in Maths Week Ireland!

We were super lucky to have Miss McKeever organise a Maths morning for us today, filled with lots of different activities for the girls to take part in. The P5, P6 and P7 girls helped each group and were great role models for the P1’s. This included problem solving, ordering our numbers to 10, using numicon to help write our numbers and make shapes from lolly pop sticks. Thank you Miss McKeever!

In our numeracy lessons this week, we have been learning all about the number 5 and have started using Numicon! We used different ways to make the number 5, such a as paint, play dough and shaving foam! 🧮

We are becoming great Mathematicians 🤓