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Mercy Primary School, Belfast


2023/2024 School Year

1st Feb 2024
As part of our Once Upon A Time topic in World Around Us, we have been learning...
1st Feb 2024
As part of our Celebrations topic P2/3 learned all about carnival in St Lucia. Today...
25th Jan 2024
The children helped celebrate Catholic Schools Week by praying for our wonderful...
23rd Jan 2024
Mrs McAllister and Miss Davidson’s classes came together today to celebrate...
23rd Jan 2024
As part of Catholic Schools Week P2/3 explored what it means to be a good friend. 
22nd Jan 2024
Catholic Schools Week takes place this week from Sunday 21 to Saturday 27 January...
16th Jan 2024
Our P7s got to hold, touch, smell and feel a real piece of turf just like the characters...
11th Jan 2024
Our P7s began their new PDMU topic, Fit for the Future. Here we are discussing the...
11th Jan 2024
Our World Around Us topic this term is Celebrations. Primary 2/3 have looked at celebrations...
9th Jan 2024
This week P2/3 worked in groups to plan then write a winter poem based on some winter...