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Mercy Primary School, Belfast


2023/2024 School Year

1st Dec 2023
P2/3 had a great morning with some parents taking part in our Santa Walk, one mile...
30th Nov 2023
If you have a question on a nocturnal animal just ask Primary 3. We have had so much...
30th Nov 2023
P3 had a lovely time completing activities and getting to know their buddies from...
24th Nov 2023
We know how to stay safe in the dark.  Wear reflectors or reflective clothing. ...
23rd Nov 2023
This week P2/3’s book focus is Starbird. A beautiful picture book set in China....
16th Nov 2023
P3 are enjoying activities with our partner school Edenbrooke PS. 
16th Nov 2023
We are celebrating anti-bullying week in P3 this week. On Monday we wore odd socks...