Access Keys:

Mercy Primary School, Belfast
Primary 1 Applications FRIDAY 12TH JAN-FRIDAY 24TH JAN [EA Applications Portal]
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Learning Zone

In the event of an emergency school closure, pupils will be encouraged to continue to learn at home. 

Each class uses the class Do Jo application for communication with parents. In the event of a closure, class teachers will direct parents to the learning overview for the time that school may be closed. We will encourage all pupils to read everyday and use online activities to improve mental recall. 

My School is the interface that all children and young people use in Northern Ireland to access online tools and applications. Your child will have a username and password to access the website. Older pupils will have access to shared Google Drive and Google Classroom. 

A help sheet to access My School is available here.

Education City has homeworks set for each year group and interactive maths and grammar activities.

Purple Mash has numerous e-books and other activities that support all curricular areas.

Libraries NI App has amazing access e-books and e-magazines.

BBC Bitesize covers many topics that we cover.

Twinkl has many resources and games to support learning.

Top Marks is used by pupils in class but can be accessed from home.

Maths Shed

Spelling Shed

Letter Join

Children should have an additional login for these links.



My School For Key Stage 1

C2k News desk

Learning Exchange - Microsoft class note book, Microsoft Teams

Office 365

My School For Key Stage 2 -  Sample username email -

C2k News desk

Learning Exchange - Microsoft class note book, Microsoft teams

Google Classroom

C2K Media Library

Office 365



Foundation & Key Stage One (adult supervision required)


Key Stage Two (adult supervision required)

Maths/ Spelling Shed
Maths and Spelling
shed Games
My ON reading


Mathematics web links

Maths Shed
Maths and spelling